Guiding values

by | Aug 26, 2020 | logistics

Guiding values lighting the way

The values of a company are their roadmap that guides them through any decision they make. With their seatbelt fastened and their eyes on the road, they are able to overcome even the greatest challenges. One of the most important guiding values of a company should be to prioritize and appreciate its human capital, because nothing moves without them.

As a logistic solutions company, that last part is quite literal for us because we know that carriers and our team members are fundamental to our work. We also know that with new advances in technology, we’ve had to anticipate the ever-changing needs of the market. This has led us to search for new paradigms, business plans, and lenses through which we see the world.

How to unify human capital

At DTS, we value diversity in talent, motives, and objectives: both personal and professional. The company is growing rapidly as well as its team. Consequently, it’s important to ensure our team is aware of our principles and philosophy. This will not only unify our team members, but it will also help us to orient ourselves towards the same goal, provide a clear vision of where we are headed, and illuminate the route we must take to get there.

In addition, this commitment to our values fosters a sense of belonging to our community and helps stakeholders understand our actions; eliminating ambiguities and generating congruent messages that build our relevance as a company.

5 values, 5 lights on the path

To understand where these qualities come from, it’s necessary to first think of a team. This is unmistakably the basis of all companies: people who come together to achieve a common goal. At DTS, we’ve taken it a step further: we see our company as a family. Guiding values are essential to the family institution and help to unify family members in both trying and easy times. That’s why we have adopted the values of the Meehan family; the company’s founders. The Meehans have always relied on these beliefs when making decisions, approaching new challenges, and relating to different colleagues.

These are our values:

1. Humility

True leaders aim to serve rather than be served. Humility engenders approachability and allows you to foster an environment of open communication and effective feedback. 

To be a team player you must possess the humility to know you are no better than anybody else, but the wisdom to appreciate the diverse abilities each of us brings to the table. 

2. Integrity

Integrity is doing the right thing when no one is watching. It is the belief in truth and fairness. Our actions should be congruent with our integrity.

 To be a team player you should never compromise truth and fairness for personal and professional gain.

3. Authenticity

Authenticity is a collection of choices we make every day. It’s the choice to be unapologetically ourselves, and to be vulnerable and honest with others.

It is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we are supposed to be and embracing who we are.

 Knowing yourself is the beginning of all WisdomAristotle

4. Accountability

It is the opportunity or ability to act independently and make decisions without the direction of someone else. Put simply, accountability is a good moral compass.

A team player accepts responsibility for their actions and holds themselves accountable. They take ownership of their mistakes.

When we take responsibility for our actions we discover who we truly are.

5. Resilience

The capacity to recover quickly from setbacks. When a person hits a roadblock, they need to switch gears and find a solution. Resilience does not mean the absence of challenges or stressful situations, it is the ability to overcome the obstacles that arise.

“Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down.”  Nelson Mandela

As stated above, our vision as a company is paramount to our success. We strive to connect all team members and collaborators, illuminating our way ahead with these “5 guiding lights”.